Housing Loans


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Housing, so many meanings that good individual and family, who for much of the population is its most important assets, either because it has been produced with enormous sacrifices in poor neighborhoods on their own initiative, either because it is the result of access to loans by offering the private housing market or state, is challenged by the guidelines and enforceable official policy seems to ignore the dynamics governing its production and marketing, some of which are addressed further by the rental market.

The housing market (supply and demand) is one of the areas where more openly calls reveal market imperfections, which requires all countries to state regulatory interventions on this activity.

These regulations can not ignore without costly consequences (economic and social) economic dynamics that govern them.

Housing needs are not just a place to live, not enough to build that shelter must be built city, the plot where the house is connected with the urban fabric (services and infrastructure) that could provide a response to habitat requirements and exercise citizenship of the inhabitants of the city.

Even when families make huge efforts to produce or purchase a home, this does not mean that this is the final season of his career housing.

It is known that after this huge effort that built heritage is not necessarily the end of the road. Changes occur frequently.

The family grows, some remain in the same location, others move, create new families, others move in the territory, the house itself fails to accommodate children who formed new homes and welcomes individuals and families who need shelter willing to lease and sublease.

Many who go to other urban centers have different reasons that housing wealth, which have built or purchased, they can sell it and have the resources to resettle in their new locations.

That is the importance of the disposition of the property, established in the Constitution, but denied only when there is a certificate of award that depends on state agencies rather than families, prevented from trading the property for housing.

This idea that the housing allocated by state programs should not be or can be sold, making its users the subjects of power.

When a family for different reasons like it or be forced to move in the territory is subject to the discretion of the branch officials, who may decide which home and at which location should be housed.

It's like a home soon, it depends on the decision to escape the family's decision, because in other areas of the halls of power decide what plays are the needs of people, even without asking.

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    March 2011



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